scripsit Monique Y. Herman:
> If we had a system in which we could vote more than once, for example
> by specifying a first, second, and third choice, maybe we would see
> some shake-up.
Maybe we should let Debian run U.S. elections then? ;)
[attempt to make this a bit less OT...]

Seriously, a good first step would be proportional representation.
Check out how the devolved Scottish Parliament does things.  Under such
a system (I did the math a while ago) we'd have a small but nonzero
number of (at least) Greens and Libertarians in the House, even with
current voting percentages.  Once people like Monique realized that a
vote for the Greens (or whomever) wasn't completely wasted, those
numbers would surely rise.

I believe the German federal parliament has a similar system; perhaps
our EU brethren can comment...

Pax vobiscum; pax cum omnibus.

Thanasis Kinias
tkinias at
Doctoral Student, Department of History
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A.

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