On Sat, 30 Jun 2018 19:44:42 -0500
"Josh W." <joshw8...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, I was working in my Terminal cleaning up my files and folders
> when i needed a second terminal. When i opened it up the Color-Coding
> that was visible in my current terminal, was plain grey and black. I
> restart my computer hoping that it would be a quick fix, but no luck.
> So i tried tuning the setting, and that was a bust as well. I restart
> my Computer and it remains the same, the color coding is gone. I
> remember a while back there was a way to set the color coding, say i
> was running as root and wanted to have the Coding running so i could
> tell directories form executable and such. Could anybody help w/
> this?? It would be greatly appreciated!

My 2c guess is that you want something like /usr/bin/dircolors which
sets the various colours used when you invoke ls.

FWIW, I have various xterm scripts in /usr/local/bin for when I want to
set the basic colours for my xterms. e.g

#! /bin/sh
exec   xterm -fg black -bg LightGrey -fa mono -fs 16  &

xt-16-lg (END)

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