On Mon 02 Jul 2018 at 19:50:35 (+0200), deloptes wrote:
> David Wright wrote:
> > Well, it's always difficult to know what the OP¹ is really after. The
> > ?first time this came up (17 months ago), "minimal" was in the subject
> > line, sqlite was looked at favourably, but the fact that it had a web
> > interface was seen as a downer, perhaps because the word "web"
> > appeared to contradict "no networking".
> But sqlite does have only CLI interface - the rest is not mandatory.

I agree, and the OP¹ has frequently said that CLIs are ok.
But the OP¹ voraciously consults HOWTOs, and said:

"Many presume a WEB-SERVER is involved."

I don't know what others glean from this, but to me it sounds as if
the mention of "web" taints the software somehow, perhaps subconciously.


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