On Wed, 1 Aug 2018 15:14:57 +1200
Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz> wrote:

> On 01/08/18 11:11, Default User wrote:

> synaptic? No love for synaptic?
> > Would Debian please just settle on one, and stick with it?  
> They do different things at different levels and seem to play nicely 
> together.

Indeed. I use apt-get, aptitude, synaptic and occasionally dpkg, as the
purpose requires.

If I have time, in the situation described in this thread I use
synaptic to install whatever isn't held up. I just pick likely-looking
packages and install them, backing off if I get a list of removals.
Aptitude interactive can do exactly the same, but I'm more comfortable
with synaptic.

I do actually use upgrade-system for routine upgrades, and switch to
synaptic when necessary. On my server, I don't have synaptic, but
being stable, I don't ever see this problem, either. For a simple
installation of a package whose name I know, I use aptitude. For
upgrading an unstable that hasn't been upgraded for a few months, I'd
use apt-get, as aptitude clogs up when presented with hundreds of
packages to sort out dependencies for. For a broken package that is
beyond the abilities of the apt tools, dpkg is less intelligent and
usually brutal enough to remove it. Horses for courses...


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