On 2018-08-07, deloptes <delop...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Curt wrote:
>> He means it's self-explanatory given you're using testing and when using
>> testing shit happens (things break)
> its not even testing it is sid - as far as I know it is after testing and
> there even more shit happens, so I don't understand why he/she should
> bother us or we should bother answering.
> This definitely is not a user query but rather something that goes to
> package/support etc.

Right, sorry, Sid is unstable not testing, which is even more 

> For example I play with newer kernels from time to time and last time I
> compiled/installed 4.16 it broke sound - I was seeing the devices twice in
> all mixers - so I stayed on 4.15 for a while. I now compiled 4.17
> (yesterday) and all works just fine.
> Sid may work today but not tomorrow - this is the purpose of sid and if you
> are not debuggin/testing for debian, I am not sure you want to run anything
> on sid 
> regards

‘If I can’t have long hair or any fun, I can have a cat.’ 
Ernest Hemingway, “Cat in the Rain”

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