"Thomas Schmitt" <scdbac...@gmx.net> writes:

> Hi,
> i too read on
>   https://www.debian.org/Bugs/server-request
>   "The Subject of the message is ignored, except for generating the Subject
>    of the reply."
> This is indeed a riddling statement.
> Last time i submitted a bug it had the subject:
>   live-wrapper: debian-live-9.4.0-amd64-xfce.iso image file is larger than 
> its isosize
> which i did not repeat in the message body. The body began with these
> pseudo-headers:
>   Source: live-wrapper
>   Version: which made debian-live-9.4.0-amd64-xfce.iso, possibly newer than 
> 0.7
>   Severity: normal
> Nevertheless
>   https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=898995
> showed up with the message subject as headline.
> Further it was forwarded to debian-live mailing list with subject:
>   Bug#898995: live-wrapper: debian-live-9.4.0-amd64-xfce.iso image file is 
> larger than its isosize
> So i am puzzled too by the statement in question.
> (And i doubt that <ow...@bugs.debian.org> is the right place to ask for
>  clarification ...)

After read your comments, i did understand as "Always BTS server do re-write 
reporter's Subject, except for reply's Subject.". Still i am chaotic...

Thanks for your time, Thomas^^^

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