I have redhat and debian machines in the same network. Users and groups are
controlled via NIS

I have realized that redhat and debian have different groups definitions
for system resources access control. For instance, redhat machines have
group lp with GID 4, while debian states that lp group is GID 7.

That means that I cannot manage his kind of group based resource access
control from NIS - not from a single one, at least, without doing something
to remedy the conflicts

Maybe I could just chgrp the device files as needed, but I'd rather avoid
doing this kind of intrusive tinkering. New boxes installs would be a
problem, also.

What would be the best way to manage this (other than managing groups on
machines themselves, individually)? Different NIS domains for different
distros? Is there any tutorial on managing multiple domains on the same NIS
server, out there? Other ideas?

Best regards,

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