Well. You can't really open "decipher" ssl without changing certificate,
but you can exclude some sites from ssl bumping.


On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 9:31 AM Mimiko <vbv...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you all for suggestions.
> Yes, I didn't tell my goal. First of course is to limit access to web
> sites and collect statistics. Yes this could be done with squid and
> ssl_bump. I
> hope this does not change certificate as internet-banking will not work.
> The problem for a quick implementation is with need of squid recompile to
> support ssl.
> The second goal is intercept packets on other ports for limiting services,
> like skype, teamviewer (especially).
> For now I use iptables -m string --algo kmp --to 65535 --string to
> intercept some strings on conenction and block access to some sites by
> domain name.
> But this will not allow me to block access to all sites and allow access
> to only several sites.
> I was looking for a quick implementation.
> l7filter was interesting for me, but it is not supported anymore. nDPI
> scares me with patching kernel. And OpenDPI is not in repository.
> I will try to implement OpenDPI by compiling, also as squid, but this is a
> long process.
> As I read for snort, suricata, zorp - it is a self contained firewall. I
> use a standard Debian installation where I run several different services.
> Thanks again.

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