On 28/08/2018 19:08, Miles Fidelman wrote:
> I would suggest looking for somebody who runs Sympa.
> Open source, well supported, more "industrial strength" than Mailman
> (designed for universities, supporting lots of lists).
> I've been running it on our servers, for at least a decade (who's
> counting) - it's rock solid, well supported by both a core team (at
> Renater - the French Research & Education Network), and a larger
> community.  (For example, a patch for DMARC came out almost
> immediately.  It took a lot longer for a mailman patch to show up, and
> even longer for it to make into the standard release).  Also, Sympa is
> built around a database, mailman isn't - makes a difference for folks
> running multiple lists.  Lots more things that can be customized.
> There's a list of hosting providers at
> https://www.sympa.org/users/custom - but they're mostly in France. 
> You might have to do a little hunting - or post on the sympa users list.
> There's also Groupserver (http://groupserver.org) - a rather
> interesting package that does a good job of melding traditional lists,
> with a web-based forum interface.  It's open source, with hosting
> available - from a small group in New Zealand.  It has a bit of
> traction in the "electronic democracy" community.

If I understand correctly, I think that Francesco was asking for a good
(free) email service provider at which he could receive emails from mail
lists, rather than a mail list provider.

Nevertheless, thanks for your mail list software suggestions. I've heard
of Sympa but never seen them described in the manner you did here. And I
am sorry to say that I had never heard of GroupServer before. Thanks for
the useful information.

Mark Rousell

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