Michael Stone wrote:
> FWIW, I think SMTP (and IMAP) is on its way out as well. I expect
> that in 20 years HTTP will still be going strong [...]

tomás writes:
> Rather some Google/Amazon/Facebook/Microsoft backed abominable
> mutation of that. One that (in subtle ways) gives a competitive
> advantage to centralized services.

I think that SMTP will still be going strong but "consumers" will all
use Webmail and all but the largest organizations will either use
Webmail as well or contract for email service.  You'll be free to run
your own server (but not from home: ISPs will block it) but no one will
talk to you.

I don't think it's a conspiracy.  I think most people *like*
John Hasler 
Elmwood, WI USA

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