On Fri, 31 Aug 2018 23:51:49 +0200 (CEST)
local10 <loca...@tutanota.com> wrote:

> Aug 31, 2018, 2:49 PM by nemomm...@gmail.com:
> > Well, the first time I installed and loaded it under Wheezy, its
> > start up was so slow, I thought it had failed or was broken. (We
> > are talking about Firefox ESR from the Debian repo.)  But it
> > finally sauntered onto the screen.  Now, we aren't talking a LONG
> > time.  Not minutes.  Just many extra seconds.  About 2 to 3 times
> > longer than I was accustomed to.
> >  
> I used Firefox on Wheezy for years under KDE, never had problems with
> Firefox speed. If you start Firefox cold, the first window may take
> 2-5 seconds to load depending on the number of plugins one has
> installed, if a browsing session need to be restored, etc. but after
> that new FF windows take a fraction of a second to open. I think
> that's quite acceptable unless you are participating in some kind of
> startbrowser-shutdownbroser-restartbrowser competition. Once FF is
> running I leave it around for days and sometimes weeks, I use the
> browser often so I see not point in shutting it down and restarting
> all the time.

IIRC, Firefox had two versions in the Wheezy repos: one was just
Firefox; the other, Firefox-esr.  ESR is the one I was referring to.
Never installed the other.

And FWIW, I never messed much with ESR.  No plug-ins, no extensions,
default configuration, etc. Just ruled out my system as the cause of the
"slowness." It was merely the tool used to download Chrome.


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