* Micha Feigin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [031205 13:24]:
> How do I lose the icons in the auto generated debian menu in fvwm ?
> Its nice to have a few icons, but they are too big, probably to memory
> intensive and make it harder in general to find what I want.

See /usr/share/doc/menu/html.

In index.html therein, I found this:

    If you, as a system administrator, don't like the icons in the
    menus, simply change the icon() function from the file
    /etc/menu-methods/menu.h, and run update-menus.

I'm sure there are also ways to set that up in your own account instead
of system-wide as well.  There's plenty of documentation there; I'd be
surprised if you couldn't find the answer there.

good times,

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