
deloptes wrote:
> I was trying to burn DVD+DL and had the feeling it does not do what I want
> it to do. I trashed couple of DL DVDs - each costs ~3€.

Yes. I too experienced that DVD+R DL are the most early type to fail
on an ageing drive. I still have half a spindle of them, but only
for the purpose of testing media recognition.
(3 EUR as price is quite a while ago. Now you get them for less than 1 EUR.)

To our luck, BD burners became achievable (~ 80 EUR + possibly USB box)
and single layer BD-R media became cheaper than DVD+R DL. My last buy
of 10 pieces on spindle was
  Verbatim BD-RE 25 GB  10.33
  Primeon BD-RE 25 GB    7.60
  Verbatim BD-R 25 GB    5.92
  Primeon BD-R 25 GB     5.20

My oldest BD burner is picky with BD-RE and likes both brands.
My youngest BD burner likes both brands of BD-R and BD-RE.
I cannot get first generation "2x" BD-R for the old one any more.

Have a nice day :)


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