On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 22:06:18 +0200
Pétùr <peturv...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Le 08/10/2018 à 20:59, Patrick Bartek a écrit :
> > On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 20:07:26 +0200
> > Pétùr <peturv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >   
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I experience a very slow response time (and high cpu usage) for
> >> firefox in debian sid these days.
> >>
> >> I use the 62.0.3 version and the latency is particularly present at
> >> the startup. I have to wait few seconds before being able to enter
> >> text in the address bar.
> >>
> >> I tried to reset (install new profile) firefox and launch it in
> >> safe mode (ie without extensions). No improvements.
> >>
> >> Are other users of sid experiencing the same behavior ?  
> > 
> > I'm using Firefox Quantum (62.0.3) on Stretch. Works just fine.
> > Responsive. Very Little CPU usage.  What does Top show is using the
> > cpu?  
> Top shows several threads with high cpu usage such as :
>   PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ 
> 12452 petur    20   0 4030664   1,9g  67248 R  72,4  50,1   2:54.34 
> firefox
> 12937 petur    20   0 1830092 381016 156676 R  82,7   9,7   0:12.11
> Web Content
> 12503 petur    20   0 1715976 216820  87436 R  81,3   5,5   0:55.60
> Web Content
> 13078 petur    20   0 1454508  95080  65480 R  81,3   2,4   0:05.02
> Web Content
> I am using Xfce.

Openbox window manager only. Phenom II x4 3.0GHZ CPU on my
5 to 11 year old system -- numerous upgrades over those 11 years.

First, Firefox is using 50% of your RAM.  That's way too much unless
you have very little RAM to begin with.  How much total RAM do you have?
My system has 8GB. Firefox Quantum only shows on average 3 to 4% RAM
usage even when streaming a video.  

Also, check what those three "web contents" are.  I'm think THEY are the
cause of Firefox's slowness.  As I don't know what they are, I can't
hazard a guess as to what's causing the high CPU usage.  The only time
I've seen something like this is when an app has crashed into an
infinite loop of some sort.  "Kill" those one at a time and see what
happens to Firefox's CPU usage. Also, clear you cache.  Check to see if
files are being written continuously to your hard drive.

FWIW, I'd purge Firefox and reinstall.  You're running Sid after all,
and all kinds of things can go wrong at any time.  Why ARE you running
Sid anyway?


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