On 10/31/2018 7:21 PM, Glenn English wrote:
> stretch, RPi
> Just installed stretch on an RPi. SSH doesn't start on boot. No
> problem with postfix, apache, proftp, bind, etc, as far as I know.
> I tried to have it start at boot via Webmin; systemd said it wouldn't
> do that without a command. It didn't say what kind of command it
> wanted or where to put it, but there are several commands on the
> system.
> I went to /etc/init.d. There's an ssh script there, and systemd
> started the server when I ran the script.
> I went to /etc/default, and the script there said it was sourced into
> an init.d script.
> The man page talks a lot about how to start things, but I couldn't
> find anything about where to put the data.
> Anyone know the incantation to make the s word start ssh? A link to
> clear dox on the innards of s.*d would probably be enough. So would a
> quick howto.

What do you get with the following command:

$ systemctl status ssh

John Doe

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