On 21-11-18, Felix Miata wrote:
> john doe composed on 2018-11-21 10:06 (UTC+0100):
> > Felix Miata wrote:
> >> (Stretch)
> >> Downloading Chrome is easy. Installing is not. The download page says 
> >> "download and install",
> >> but all that happens is firefox fetches, and no auto install via apt* or 
> >> dpkg is attempted. Apt
> >> and aptitude won't install the local file because it "isn't found". The
> >> https://www.google.com/linuxrepositories/ "Google Linux Software 
> >> Repositories" page says how to
> >> configure GPG, but nothing about configuring repo in sources.list. Where 
> >> are the secret
> >> incantations to be found?
> > The below link might be useful:
> > https://www.wikihow.com/Install-Google-Chrome-Using-Terminal-on-Linux
> It worked. I had tried on previous occasions downloaded debs with 'dpkg -i' 
> without any
> successes that I can recall. The provided deps on that page did the trick.
> > you should also consider googling "installing chrome on linux".
> Before posting here that's sort of what I did with DuckDuckGo:
> google chrome debian sources.list
> google chrome for debian configuration
> Nothing I had clicked on seemed appropriate to the expected task. I'm not a 
> Chrome user. This is
> for a friend whose vision is about 5% and tasks me with his upgrades.
> Thanks!
> -- 
> Evolution as taught in public schools is religion, not science.
>  Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
> Felix Miata  ***  http://fm.no-ip.com/

Bit late on party, but as others already said dpkg -i followed by
apt-get -f ( --fix-broken ) should do the trick. It will add it to the
sources list. 

One new thing to add would be that it will very annoyingly mess up with
alternatives and after install and after every damn update/upgrade it
will set itself up with crazy high preference in alternatives, that will
always be with priority higher than other browsers. So, if you want to
keep some other browser as your x-www-browser, or gnome-www-browser as
primary, you will need to amend those settings.

All best,

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