I am not sure if my answers are reaching the users because i did not
received it back so sorry to creating a new thread, but i think this
is very important, please follow this steps to emulate it:

1- Install Debian 9.6 without graphical interface.
2- Try to change the ip in /etc/network/interfaces
3- Run systemctl restart networking
(network stopped working!)
If system is restarted everything is ok again, and ip is changed properly .

New try, now with ifdown and ifup:
1- Install Debian 9.6 without graphical interface.
2- Try to change the ip in /etc/network/interfaces
3- Run ifdown enp0s3
4- Run ifup enp0s3
5- That's right ,but now you have two ips configured instead of changing it.

Is this is expected, i am so sorry for boring you, i will get out of
here the faster as i can.

Luciano Andress Martini - Analista UNIX

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