Am 23. Nov, 2018 schwätzte Martin so:

moin moin,

please don't 'xhost +', that should not be needed.

The application being tunneled comes from localhost, so you shouldn't need
any xhost adjustment.



Hi list members,

I have not used X11 over ssh for years now. But today is the day! And it does 
not work....
The remote console tells me 'Xt error: Can't open display: :0'.
X11Forwarding is enabled on client and server, 'xhost +' on the client, DISPLAY 
is set. IPv6 is disabled on both ends with sysctl and in sshd_config. Client 
runs with xfce.

What did I miss?

#  "If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood, and
#  don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the
#  endless immensity of the sea." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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