On 29.11.2018 1:40, Johann Spies wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Nov 2018 at 12:49, Alexander V. Makartsev <avbe...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> I suggest to check if your laptop has latest Firmware\BIOS update installed. 
>> That is first thing I would check if I got similar error message.
>> Update it to the latest one provided by HP support website.
>> Also check if there are some settings in BIOS, saying Optimus or Hybrid 
>> Graphics that could be tweaked.
> I already did upgrade the bios, thanks.
>> Check out similar bug report on GitHub [1]. Some people reported they fixed 
>> it by installing 4.19 kernel, which probably contain more compatibility 
>> fixes for exotic hardware.
>> [1] https://github.com/Bumblebee-Project/bbswitch/issues/160
> I checked again on the description of  bbswitch and bumblebee and
> realized that those packages were written for situations where one can
> choose between display cards and that my laptop only has one: NVIDIA
> Quadro K1100M.
> So I do not need them.
> My display is working well and I can glxgears.
> Thanks for you help.
> Regards
> Johann
I could be wrong, but specifications for this laptop suggest there
should be two graphics adapters inside. One is integrated inside CPU and
one is discrete. You can run 'glxgears' on any of them just fine, so
double check if you run it on nvidia adapter.
You can do it with this command:
    $ glxinfo | egrep 'glx|OpenGL'

Don't mind me if I'm being too paranoid.

With kindest regards, Alexander.

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