I'm setting up a machine dedicated to *experimenting* with Debian installs using the content of purchased sets of DVDs.

The project's goals include creating:
   1. a preseed.cfg implementing *my* idea of a "minimal" install.
   2. suitable meta-packages(ww?) for above.

The project's constraints/assumptions include:
  1. doing repeated scratch installs w/o internet.
  2. the DVDs' content will be decompressed and stored on a
     dedicated partition

My tentative procedure will be:
  1. copy DVD1 to a flash drive with dd.
  2. copy custom preseed.cfg to that flash drive.
  3. use that flash drive for each trial install.
  4. create a script to install packages not on DVD1.


1. Any problems with above?
2. Content of the Nth DVD of DVD set Q will be stored at
   /media/richard/DVDsets/setQ/dvdN .
Is this the correct content for sources.list ?>
deb file:/media/richard/DVDsets/setQ/dvd1 stable main contrib deb file:/media/richard/DVDsets/setQ/dvd2 stable main contrib
. deb file:/media/richard/DVDsets/setQ/dvdN stable main contrib


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