Glenn English wrote:
> mailServer == RPi3 Raspian Stretch (on a T1), IMAP
> mailReceiver == supermicro 64 bit Buster, mbox
> ~.getmail/getmailrc:
> [retriever]
> type = SimpleIMAPRetriever
> server =
> username = ghe
> password = <redacted>
> [destination]
> type = Mboxrd
> path = /var/mail/ghe
> [options]
> verbose = 1
> # read_all = false
> # delete = true
> message_log_syslog = true
> They're running, but not quite
> 1) How do I get getmail to quit getting all the email on the server?
> In mutt, I delete all the unwanted mail, and getmail just puts it back
> next time I run it. And when I run it again, the emails are all in
> there twice.

  sorry, i'm not able to dig into this more at the
moment but i can answer from the setup that i have

  i set delete to true and use maildrop to put it 
where i want it.  maildrop can put copies in a second 
place if you want to compare what you get to what was 
sent (if you suspect you've accidentally filtered spam 
or such).

  have you tried running it with the -n option?
(get unread messages only?)

  i use a script which looks in a directory for
files which say what mail accounts to get

the script looks like:
set -e
cd /home/me/.getmail
for file in rc-* ; do
  rcfiles="$rcfiles --rcfile=/home/me/.getmail/$file"
exec /usr/bin/getmail -a $rcfiles $@

a file in that directory looks like:

verbose = 2
delete = true
delivered_to = false
received = false

type = SimplePOP3SSLRetriever
server =
username =
port = 995
password = somepassword

#type = Maildir
#path = ~/.mutt/Maildir.test/
type = MDA_external
path = /usr/bin/maildrop
unixfrom = True

and then the maildrop file looks like:

cc $HOME/.mutt/backup
if ( /^To:.*sales@someplace*/ )
elsif (/^To:.*test@someplace\.com>/ ))
 to $HOME/.mutt/Maildir.test

> 2) Is there any documentation on getmail besides the man page and some
> howTo help on the web?

  i didn't need it, didn't look...

> 3) I seem to remember, from long ago, something about mutt ignoring
> HTML email. Does it still? And if so, what does it do? Just pretend
> they don't exist, or just display the text, or delete the HTML part
> and display what's left? I don't see much about this in the man page,
> and most of the stuff on the web isn't dated.

  you can set up mutt to do what you want it to based
upon the file type found.

  i have a .mailcap file in my .mutt directory which 
contains this entry:

text/html; lynx -dump -force_html  %s; copiousoutput; description=HTML Text; 

> 4) What do read_all, delete, and message_log_syslog mean?

  seems self-explanatory to me, -a gets all messages,
-d delete messages from server after retrieving, -n 
get unread messages only.


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