On 2018-12-23 12:51, Richard Owlett wrote:
I use USB drives to transfer files between systems (sneakernet).
All systems have only one user(richard). It was created during installation.

The drives are either ext2 or ext4 formatted.
All files were in /user/richard on source machine

They _often_ [but not always] are seen as owned by 'root', not
'richard', by the destination system.

Why? I assume it is me in some manner.

What do I have to do to guarantee absolutely that any file/directory
from /home/richard is seen by destination system as owned by

What should I have read?


find /home/richard -type d -exec chmod 750 {} \;
find /home/richard -type f -exec chmod 640 {} \;
chown -R richard /home/richard*;
chgrp -R richard /home/richard*;

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