On 12/01/19 4:47 PM, Richard Hector wrote:
> On 12/01/19 1:28 AM, David wrote:
>> Hi, I have no expertise in this, except to suggest that if I was
>> seeing your symptoms then I would investigate if the discussion
>> here might be relevant:
>> https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2018/12/msg00184.html
> Interesting, thanks - I'm going to try 4.19 from backports, so that I
> can try the random.trust_cpu option mentioned in that thread.

Well - not as informative as I'd hoped - the new kernel doesn't have
that delay (well, there seems to be a 20s delay in a similar place), so
trying the random.trust_cpu option wasn't so useful. I did anyway, and
the 20s delay remained - but it's not really apparent during the boot,
so maybe I was wrong and user-mode processes have started by then.

I guess I'll just keep using the 4.19 kernel anyway ...


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