On Wednesday 16 January 2019 14:17:04 Dan Ritter wrote:

> Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Wednesday 16 January 2019 11:59:39 Gene Heskett wrote:
> >
> > Anybody else have a suggestion for a live backup for working on a
> > 600 line file?
> How live do you need it to be?
> Option 1: totally manual. If there's only one or a few files,
> this works well.
> $ cp foobar.txt foobar.txt.20190116; edit foobar.txt
> Option 2: version control system.
>   Setup:
>     git init
>     git add foobar.txt
>   Working:
>     edit foobar.txt
>     git commit foobar.txt -m "drew a new line"
>   Review:
>     git status foobar.txt
>     git log foobar.txt
> Option 3: you already use vim, right?
>     https://github.com/thaerkh/vim-workspace
> Option 4: you already use emacs, right?
>     https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/AutoSave
> Option 5: you like using gedit, right?
>     preferences => editor  ; turn on autosave, specify the
>     period
gedit is a nice editor, until it decides to play 45 pickup with 57 cards. 
Its taken quite while to clear the blue air in the vacinity when that 
> Option 6: you like using geany, right?

whereas geany has yet to get so confused.
>     https://www.geany.org/manual/current/index.html#id232
Is that a plugin I don't have, or where is this save configurer?
> This is not an exclusive list.
> -dsr-

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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