The nosh package is now up to version 1.39 .




I missed announcing 1.38, so this announcement will cover both versions.

These versions see a major addition to the user-space virtual terminal subsystem, various other changes in several areas, the completion of some items mentioned as placeholders in version 1.37, and some bug fixes.

Completed placeholders

make-read-only-fs is now fully implemented, and is no longer a placeholder.

More service bundles

There are several more additions to the set of service bundles supplied with the toolset: connman, ofono, dundee, cntlm, minidlna, powertop, alsa-state, alsa-restore, unattended-upgrade-shutdown, apt-daily-update, apt-daily-upgrade, LCDd, phpsessionclean, tinysshd, watchman, rngd, isnsd, isnsdd, usbmux, and VBoxBalloonCtrl. atd is now a Linux-only service, with the BSDs now having an atrun service.

More packages

The new nosh-run-bcron, nosh-bcron-as-cron-shims, nosh-debian-crontab, and nosh-debian-crontab-anacron packages deal in running the services and providing the data files for various cron toolsets. The former two deal in bcron, running its services and providing the crontab command as an alias for bcrontab; and the latter two (only available for Linux operating systems) deal in Debian's /etc/crontab file.

The new nosh-openrc-shims package contains shims for OpenRC's rc-service and rc-update commands. And the new nosh-run-via-open-rc package contains OpenRC scripts for running the service manager.

The new nosh-linux-shims package contains shims for commands to be found in the non-portable util-linux toolset, such as setterm (more on which later).

The Debian desktop and server base -run packages no longer preset ntpd and openntpd, on the grounds that a range of such services exist and these are not necessarily the installed softwares.

More tools

New commands include getuidgid, userenv-fromenv, setgid-fromenv, envgid, printenv, setlogin, console-decode-ecma48, console-control-sequence, console-flat-table-viewer, console-input-method, and local-stream-socket-connect.

The userenv command is now a combination of two of these new commands, getuidgid and userenv-fromenv. It has also gained options for not setting SHELL and USER/LOGNAME.

setlogin sets the login account that is associated with a kernel session, as returned by the logname command.

printenv is roughly equivalent to the conventional tool of the same name, except that it is a nosh/exec built-in command and that it supports several forms of output (including properly quoted rc.conf form, NUL-terminated form, and envdir form) in addition to the conventional human-readable form. This built-in command makes a common idiom easier. When combining clearenv, read-conf/envdir, and printenv to read a configuration setting, before the advent of the built-in command one had to employ `command -v printenv` (because clearenv unsets PATH). Now one can invoke it as simply printenv.

One common use of this idiom is by the toolset's own build system and by the external configuration import subsystem, to read things like the amalgamated /etc/system-control/convert/rc.conf and an os_version file. Further to this, the amalgamated rc.conf now has an os_version setting on Linux operating systems, consolidating the code for obtaining that in one place.

console-flat-table-viewer is a full-screen TUI viewer for various sorts of common flat database tables. It decodes the vis(3) encoding that is employed in various FreeBSD system tables. It also handles tables that use the standard ASCII US, RS, GS, and FS characters. File separators permit a form of continual update and redisplay if used in combination with pipes.

local-stream-socket-connect is the AF_LOCAL socket equivalent of tcp-socket-connect.

Improvements to existing tools and bug fixes

The Z shell completions now function better, and now cover a lot more of the commands in the toolset.

systemd service unit conversion has been modified to make use of the new environment commands. The conversion tool in particular makes use of these when converting per-user Desktop Bus services. The EnvironmentUser extension has been replaced by an EnviromnentUserOnly extension, so that User and Group are consistently the sources of the user account and primary group. Additional settings now supported by convert-systemd-units include RuntimeDirectoryGroup, RuntimeDirectoryPreserve, WantsMountsFor, AfterMountsFor, and RequiresMountsFor.

convert-systemd-units now also supports %T, %V, and %E expansions and snippets files.

By analogy to \S, the login-banner command now also recognizes the \N sequence.

The external configuration import subsystem now generates per-user service bundles that import user-wide environment variables from a ${HOME}/config/service-bundles/common pseudo-bundle, allowing users to maintain a single environment directory that affects all per-user services. One can thus use rcctl or system-control set-service-env against this common pseudo-bundle to set environment variables in all per-user services.

Other improvements to external configuration import include the automatic generation of service bundles for dbus services, at both the system-wide and per-user levels.

The N and P actions of console-multiplexor-control when applied to kernel virtual terminals now work properly.

The external configuration input subsystem now imports defaultrouter properly from the amalgamated rc.conf.

The cleanX service no longer generates incorrect symbolic links in /tmp.

ttylogin services on user-space virtual terminals were sometimes (depending from exactly what order things ran in) causing a loop because of vhangup(). This has been fixed.

And a spelling error in the names of the UNIXREMOTEEUID and UNIXREMOTEEGID UCSPI-UNIX environment variables has been fixed.

Input methods


Providing a "front-end processor" for running "input methods" has been a to-do item on the roadmap for a long time. It has always been a goal to provide more than just U.S.-centric mechanisms in user-space virtual terminals, and this already ranges from allowing one to use fonts with large Unicode glyph repertoires through to providing the full ISO 9995-3 common secondary keyboard group. The problems with input method support were that all of the existing systems that I could tie into required X11 servers, X11 libraries, or direct low-level access to the framebuffer.

Then I discovered OpenVanilla.

The .cin file mechanism is table-based, does not involve plug-ins needing direct drawing access to the framebuffer, and is common across that and at least 8 different other tools. It is now common to user-space virtual terminals, too. Just as one can take a SCO Unix or FreeBSD kbdmap file and (after conversion) use it with user-space virtual terminals, one can take other people's existing .cin files and use them.

Other people have written quite a lot of them, moreover. The blurb page on Japanese input methods hyperlinked earlier focuses on Japanese, but there is a wide range of .cin files available from plenty of sources, from Hangeul Jamo through Array40 to Esperanto.

A new console-input-method command is at the heart of new input method services, which plumb in to user-space virtual terminals in between the terminal emulator(s) and the realizer(s). The pre-supplied "head0" user-space virtual terminal now has an input method service plumbed in. The nosh Guide documents input method front-end processors. And a new console-input-method-control command can be used to control them in a few basic ways.

In line with the philosophy of adopting and adapting existing ideas, visible from the aforementioned keyboard map and .cin files as well as the whole building upon the architecture of daemontools notion, the input method front-end processor provides various control key chords and function keys that are roughly compatible with other systems, such as Microsoft's Japanese IME in Windows and the OSF/1 IMLIB. One can, of course, drive it with the extra keys that are dedicated to the purpose on a JIS 106/109-key keyboard or a Korean 103/106-key keyboard. There should be not too much change required to existing typing habits.

Other terminal improvements

In addition to the aforementioned documentation of front-end processors, the Guide also now documents how "head0" works (although this is just one way in which one can set up virtual terminals) and has a new chapter on some of the choices of fonts, keyboard maps, and input methods that are available from various sources for user-space virtual terminals.

(In a separate project, I have been working on fixes to FreeBSD's vtfontcvt that permit it to convert Ubuntu Monospace, which as the Guide documents it currently cannot handle.)


There are new manual entries for TERM(7), linux-vt(4), linux-console(4), and TerminalCapabilities(3).

No utility other than console-ncurses-realizer uses NCurses and terminfo any more. They have flaws in how they model real terminals and terminal emulators. All other TUI tools are built around a different library, that decodes terminal input using a proper full UTF-8 ECMA-48 state machine rather than by limited and faulty pattern matching, and that is geared towards primarily ECMA-48 and ITU T.416 output (with various common DEC private extensions). This enables better handling of cursor, editing, and calculator keypad keys with modifiers; full recognition of "application" and "normal" modes on the cursor and calculator keypads; full use of 24-bit colour where the terminal supports it; and use of the DEC Locator or XTerm mouse.

One such is a new realizer, console-termios-realizer, another realize-a-terminal-on-a-terminal realizer that is more capable than console-ncurses-realizer.

console-fb-realizer now has better fallback behaviour in the event of not being supplied a keyboard map, which has been a fairly common configuration error. It now falls back to the U.S. English International keyboard map, rather than to an empty one where no keys do anything.

Other improvements lie in extended keys, on the cursor and calculator keypads. console-terminal-emulator now fully supports individually switching these two keypads between "application" and "normal" modes, and fully supports separate control sequences sent by keys for each mode. To align with this, the "fkey49" to "fkey61" actions in SCO Unix/FreeBSD keyboard maps have changed in console-convert-kbdmap to distinguish the cursor keypad from the calculator keypad, and console-fb-realizer collaborates in ensuring that the terminal emulator(s) receive as much modifier state information accompanying such keys as is appropriate.

The keyboard map files themselves now follow a new naming convention. The external configuration import subsystem will not delete any old keyboard map files that you might still be using in a running realizer service, so it is left to you to clean them up. The new naming convention allows for, say, different "Japanese" maps to be used with a 101/104-key keyboard and a 106/109-key keyboard.

The user-space virtual terminal subsystem now also has the notion of accelerator key input messages, i.e. alphanumeric key input with the ALT key modifier. These are recognized by the realizers and the terminal emulator generates escape sequences for them. Note that these escape sequences, which are neither ECMA-48 nor DEC VT/SCO standard, conflict with ECMA-48 7-bit control aliases.

console-decode-ecma48 is a debugging aid for text sent to/from terminals. It decodes a sequence of ECMA-48 characters, control characters, escape sequences, and control sequences into a human-readable representation. It can handle both ECMA-48 output (as sent to terminals) and ECMA-48 input (as received from terminals), and recognizes as an extension various common additional control sequences, such as the control sequences for function keys generated by the SCO Unix console, and a bunch of DEC VT private control sequences.


console-control-sequence provides a human-readable way of emitting common ECMA-48, DEC VT, AIXterm, and XTerm control sequences. It is aliased as setterm and is to a large extent a workalike for the setterm from the util-linux package, except that it is portable where util-linux is not. It is both portable to other operating systems, and portable to other terminals. It does not implement the few things that util-linux setterm does that are specific to Linux and to Linux's built-in teminal emulator, but conversely it implements quite a number of standard ECMA-48 and DEC VT control sequences that the util-linux setterm does not. These include turning the calculator keypad to/from application mode; switching to/from the XTerm alternate screen buffer; turning DEC Locator reports on/off; turning XTerm mouse reports on/off; setting the cursor shape; changing the mappings of the Delete and Backspace keys; using the strikethrough, italic, and invisible attributes; turning background colour erase on/off; setting the underline type; indirect 8-bit colour; direct 24-bit colour; and DEC VT soft reset.

vc-reset-tty and console-resize are now implemented by invoking console-control-sequence, removing the hardwiring of control sequences from both.

console-terminal-emulator now recognizes a few additional control sequences, such as DECST8C (used by console-control-sequence to set regular tabstops if the interval length is 8). It also has tabstops at 8 column intervals in its reset state. Both the FreeBSD and Linux kernel virtual terminals do this, even though real DEC VTs do not, so user-space virtual terminals do too.

The --keep-term option to clearenv now retains a few more terminal-related environment variables.

This way up

And finally, a feature that you will not want.


Over many years, people have regularly asked for a terminal emulator where the line progression goes from bottom to top. The idea that they have is that they will find this easier than top to bottom. In response to a recent question in the same vein on Stack Exchange, I have given console-fb-realizer, console-ncurses-realizer, and console-termio-realizer the ability to realize displays with the line progression reversed.

Having used this, it seems to me that people only want this because they have not tried it. Trying it makes a convincing case for not using it. So I have retained this feature in order that, at long last, there is an actual terminal system with this feature that people can try, and come to the same realization. (-:

  • nosh version 1.39 Jonathan de Boyne Pollard

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