On 02/02/2019 13:12, Paul Sutton wrote:
> On 02/02/2019 09:14, didier gaumet wrote:
>> Hello Paul,
>> Same versions of thunderbird and Enigmail here but Debian Buster.
>> I do not observe the same thing as you do: the draft is saved with the
>> intended title
>> It is probably of no importance but my Debian (and Thunderbird) is in french
> Hi didier
> That perhaps suggests the issue is with my set up somewhere,  or it is
> fixed in either the French version or Buster.   It may be due to another
> package which is causing the issue.
> A copy of this e-mail is now in my drafts as "Encrypted Message", but
> appears in the compose as it should be.
> Lets keep an eye on it via the list. 
> Thanks
> Paul
So yes, steps i take are as follows:

With that option enabled,  (encrypt message in drafts folder)

Create new e-mail

Enter subject header

 Save (so that the message is stored in to drafts)

Check drafts folder to see what the message is named

close tb and message compose window(s)

Re open TB,  click Drafts,  edit message, (it will be in there as
Encrypted Message)

Rather than the message reverting to back the original subject header
you entered earlier it is now Encrypted Message,

so Manually edit

This happens on two computers,  netbook and Desktop both running Debian
9.7 (non free) with updates applied.  


Paul Sutton
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