I'm not sure if it's the exact same case but I had the same issue with a
more recent motherboard. Debian failed to detect the network card with the
E1000 drivers.

I tried an iso with the non free repo without success.

A base Ubuntu iso install was able to detect and configure the network

I'll see if I can find the adapter version. It was an Intel based adapter.

On Wed, Feb 13, 2019, 4:12 PM Rick Thomas <rbtho...@pobox.com wrote:

> I recently bought an intel NUC BOXNUC8i3BEH1.  You can see a description
> of the product at Newegg:
>     https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16856102213
> I’m trying to install Debian Stretch on it
>     debian-9.7.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso
> and (later)
>     firmware-9.6.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso
> I made a bootable USB stick the usual way with dd to copy the iso to the
> stick.  It boots fine and loads some preliminary stuff.  When it gets to
> trying to identify the network interface, it fails at that task and drops
> into a screen with a long list of network drivers for me to choose from.
> I didn’t know what driver to load (the Newegg description says it uses an
> Intel networking chip, but I didn’t know which driver was needed by that
> chip)  So I aborted the installation.  On a hunch, I then tried to install
> Ubuntu (ubuntu-mate-18.04-desktop-amd64.iso) and that works fine.  The
> network comes up automatically.
> So, on Ubuntu, I typed “lspci -v” and searched the output for the network
> interface.  It says that the driver installed for that interface is
> “e1000e”.  A quick check on a working Stretch system shows that the e1000e
> driver *is* available in Debian.  So, I think to myself, “Problem solved —
> all I have to do is specify the e1000e driver and all will be well!”
> Not so fast…  I boot the Debian “firmware-9.6…” stick and it gets to the
> list of drivers.  I pick e1000e (with is there, along with a bunch of other
> Intel drivers) and go back to see if it now can see the interface.   Nope!
>  It still isn’t seeing the network.
> What am I missing?  What is Ubuntu doing to make this work that Debian
> doesn’t?
> Anybody got any suggestions???
> Thanks in advance,
> Rick

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