
Sorry if this this is off topic, but this is something that as a free
software we can perhaps take advantage of.

Just had this posted to my local Linux user group irc channel


Granted it seems to be dated July 2018 though

Essentially desktop as a service (DaaS,) so MS are going to try and grab
more control over our desktops  If this is a good reason to really push
Linux, free software, choice, and user control then it seems a good a
reason as any.

Just thought I would post, so people are aware and we can gather
comments on how we can really counter this otherwise it will just happen, 

A local training company provides courses provided by  specific
provider(s) so there is zero chance of offering alternative,  They
provide something called ITQ, (Computer course) which is, as you would
guess,  windows centric.

On this basis they  is zero chance of offering the same training but
using free software (eg libre office, thunderbird, firefox,  GPL
awareness etc).  

Not sure how we can counter all of this.  The advocacy teams have their
work cut out here.


Paul Sutton
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