On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 09:12:28AM -0200, Christoph Simon wrote:
> Somebody could tell me how to change the font in menu and dialogs of a
> KDE program? I do not use anything of KDE beside psi, which got a 
> looking font after the last update of my debian sid. Where could I
> change that? Outside psi, everything looks normal.

i used to have a menu in gnome which listed the kde menus in
addition to gnome apps.  i can't find it at the moment, but i
recall finding the kde deskop config app in there which allowed
me to fix the fonts.  if you're missing it as well now, you may
want to browse the base kde packages and see if you can find it
to install.
____________________}John Flinchbaugh{______________________
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