On 05/03/2019 04.28, Paul Ezvan wrote:
> Le 04/03/2019 à 13:32, deloptes a écrit :
>> double check - I had similar observation when trying to setup USB stick boot
>> for a notebook - it's a company property, so not supposed to do that ;-)
>> Well turned out that I had to modify few bios settings to see the usb
>> working at acceptable speed. First I was thinking the one stick was a
>> problem, but after observing the same with a second one I looked at the
>> bios and it did it.
>> regards
> What does "top" show when your menu takes a long time to load? What is the CPU
> temp? Maybe you accidentaly touched the cooling system while replacing the 
> SSD?

What I forgot to mention (sloppy, sorry for that) is that the slowness already
happens at "grub" time. I presume that rules out trouble with my DE (KDE/Plasma)
or systemd or something like that.

I am thinking hardware trouble too. Not only because the trouble start before
the kernel and DE gets loaded, but also because it happens with two different
SSDs. It happens with the new one with a freshly installed system, and with the
old one that I never had any trouble with before this and that hasn't been
changed (by me that is). In both cases the slowness begins immediately after
boot. Possibly after the BIOS has run, but definitely before the kernel gets
loaded or otherwise during the earliest stages of loading it.

Thanks for the pointer to the cooling. I will check that.

Grx HdV

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