On Thu, Mar 07, 2019 at 09:59:43AM -0700, Cousin Stanley wrote:
Michael Stone wrote:
On Thu, Mar 07, 2019 at 07:11:36AM -0700, Cousin Stanley wrote:
Stephen P. Molnar wrote:

and my fstab is:

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.

 I've found that labeling my disk partitions
 and using  /dev/disk/by-label/xyzzy  lines
 in the  /etc/fstab  file seems to be much easier
 for my own small brain to comprehend.

If you want to use labels, it seems a lot more clear
to use  LABEL=  rather than /dev/disk/by-label/

 I am aware of the  LABEL=  keyword for the disk labels
 in the  /etc/fstab  file and would agree that
 their use would be slightly more concise
 and save a few key strokes.

 However, in my own mind not necessarily more clear
 as  /dev/disk/by-label  shows me exactly
 what sort of label is being referenced
 and provides a reminder that I can check them
 via  ls -Ahl /dev/disk/by-label .

Well, if you checked them using blkid, they'd say "LABEL=", so this seems somewhat circular. :)

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