On Tue, Mar 05, 2019 at 02:26:24PM +0100, plataleas plataleas wrote:
RedHat announced with RHEL8 that the docker container engine is replaced by
a suite of tools in the Container Tools module including podman, buildah
and skopeo.

What does the Debian community think of this move? Does it make sense to
prefer podman/buildah/skopeo over the docker engine on Debian systems as

Some of those tools have some advantages over Docker: podman, for
example, can allow a normal user to start containers, without requiring
write access to a shared socket, or superuser privileges. It also
operates without a persistent daemon running.

Skopeo is more of a separate utility rather than replicating
functionality of Docker, it's very useful though.

None of the tools are packaged for Debian yet. I've had a preliminary
look at podman, but it's too late now to get these into the next stable


⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Jonathan Dowland
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