Stefan Monnier <> writes:

>> OP has a point though. The real world happens to have a huge amount of
>> heterogeneous networks, and asking for tools to keep those systems safe
>> is legitimate.
> I did not perceive the OP's request to be about the case where you
> administer lots of machines and you want to use a Debian machine as
> a virus-filter for all those other machines running Windows or whatnot.
> So I assumed he meant "I do want to run A/V" to mean that he wants to
> run an A/V just like all random Windows users feel the need to run some
> A/V software on their machine to feel safer.
I tend to make assumptions that the asker of a question knows what they
are talking about. In this case that meant assuming OP had a
heterogeneous environment they wanted to secure.

Sure, this is not always true, but assuming 'just a random Windows user'
is a tad...uncharitable, to say the least. Again proving OP's
disappointment to be correct, alas.


"We will need a longer wall when the revolution comes."
--- AJS, quoting an uncertain source.

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