On 3/19/19 8:37 AM, Miguel A. Vallejo wrote:

> It's only a temporary solution until the progem gets fixed, but at
> least it allows you to continue doing your work.

I installed Buster alpha5 the other day, and the LTO5 tape drive quit
working, intermittently.

Troubleshooting a tape drive is *slow*. It took 3 or 4 days of man
pages, docs, surfing, rebooting, and some luck to discover that amanda
wants a 32768 block size and tar wants 512. Settable with mt-st, when
there's a tape in the drive.

What is going on with the Debian management? Debian's always been solid
as a rock (stable has, anyway). That tape config, the UUIDs, the s.*d
word, etc. They're buggy and/or badly thought out -- their interfaces to
us mortals are terrible.

Glenn English

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