Hi all,

On 24th March (last Sunday) I received the following (for the first time):

Subject: Cron test -x /usr/share/apt-cacher/apt-cacher-cleanup.pl && 

Error: cannot open ../headers/debian_dists_wheezy_Release for locking: No such 
file or directory
Failed to open filehandles for debian_dists_wheezy_Release. Resolve this 
Exiting to prevent deletion of cache contents.

The above all came from systems originally running wheezy which were upgraded 
to stretch about 2 years ago.


1. How to get rid of these errors? I would prefer to avoid spending half a day 
deciphering a chain of Perl scripts which I'm not familiar with.
2. What specifically happened last week to trigger this behavior? Was it e.g. a 
permanent removal of all wheezy repos and references?


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