On Tue 02 Apr 2019 at 18:14:17 -0400, Felix Miata wrote:

> Brian composed on 2019-04-02 20:55 (UTC+0100):
> > On Tue 02 Apr 2019 at 14:08:15 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> >> I have a spindle of memorex  cd-r's, and I've now downloaded and burnt 4 
> >> copy's of the buster netinstall image to a series of them. 
> My open spool of Office Depot CD-R probably still has 30 or more, and I think 
> I
> have an unopened one squirreled away. My spool of Memorex CD-RW likely more 
> than
> 30, which will probably cover whatever life I have remaining when the Office 
> Depot
> supplies are exhausted.
> > 99% of users write netinstall images to a a USB stick.
> Cite please? If there are 100 users on this list, Gene plus Greg plus me would
> make 3%. :-D

If there are a thousand users, it would be 0.3%. 
> > They know 
> > the technology is reliable
> Depends how reliable is defined:
> USB media reliably has insufficient space to write with 
> pen/chalk/crayon/marker on
> the media container what the media contains.
> USB media commonly differs in size or shape from other USB media.
> USB media has *no* convenient library system, unlike DVDs & CDs, for which 
> uniform
> size and shape plastic containers with convenient additional labeling 
> facility are
> available, for which drawers and boxes and the like are available to library.
> USB media fairly often usurps the normal boot device's device name(s).
> In the instant case, USB substantially over-supplies space for the half-CD or 
> less
> required to fit the iso, keeping unit cost high for single or limited use 
> media.
> Anyone tried to buy 2GB or smaller USB devices lately? I haven't seen any in
> stores in years.

These points may be valid but not in the context of writing a Debian
image to a USB stick.

> > and provides a bootable image. The other
> > 1% takes a different path which, very often, involves other people
> > in some work - like posting to -user. 
> USB sticks don't cause the same?

I have yet to see a well-documented, repeatable failure of 

 cat debian_iso > /dev/sdX

which has given rise to any deteailed discussion.


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