On Mon 15 Apr 2019 at 10:13:31 (-0500), Richard Owlett wrote:
> On 04/15/2019 09:15 AM, David Wright wrote:
> > [snip]
> > 
> > > Using "dot -Tps  dependency-graph.dot > owl.ps" I got a displayable,
> > > if not readable, graph. There was a warning in what I had read about
> > > "dotty" about viewablity issues if the graph was too complex. Suspect
> > > that is problem.
> > 
> > Add   -o APT::Cache::GivenOnly=1   to the commandline, and you'll get
> > a much smaller graph. I haven't figured out why python and
> > python-requests are missng from the graph, or is this a stretch/buster
> > difference. (I'm comparing the graph with the Packages entry:
> > 
> Neither
>   > $ dot -Tps -o APT::Cache::GivenOnly=1 dependency-graph.dot > owl2.ps
> Nor
>   > $ dot -o APT::Cache::GivenOnly=1 dependency-graph.dot
> gave useful output.

I'm not sure how you expect to progress if you expect people here,
following your blow by blow account, to write each commandline for
you in full.

It's fairly obvious that APT::Cache::GivenOnly applies to the
apt-cache command, given the words it has in common. In fact,
it's likely you have some options like this in your /etc/apt/
tree, eg:

/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00trustcdrom :
APT::Authentication::TrustCDROM "true";


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