Martin Schwarz <> writes:
> Here's the output from some commands I hope to be helpful:
> The machine in this example is a RADIUS server but has not even gone
> productive ... no incoming client requests yet.  (But the problem is not
> related to the RADIUS server software - OSC Radiator - since the same
> symptoms show on different machines: not only RADIUS servers but also
> nameservers, shell servers or jumphosts, etc.)
> [values while the problem persists:]
> root     34718 12.0  0.5  29596  5672 ?        D    09:01   0:00 
> /usr/bin/python3 -Es /usr/bin/lsb_release --short --description
> root     26491  3.1  0.2  79328  2860 ?        D    08:04   1:50 apt-get 
> update -qq
> root     32551  6.8  0.2 119036  2800 ?        D    08:51   0:43 
> /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/unattended-upgrade

Disable this, do your upgrades by some schedule for the duration in
which you're debugging this problem.  Think about system orchestration
tools with push mechanisms if you want to minimize RAM allocated to
VMs.  We're thinking about deploying ansible for patch management.

> root     12792  2.2  0.1 159720  1748 ?        D    06:06   3:54 
> /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/bin/apt-show-versions -i
> root     15502  2.4  0.1 167660  1608 ?        D    06:25   3:51 
> /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/bin/apt-show-versions -i

Do they need to run on 6:06 and then parallel at 6:25?  What's their
process tree calling structure, ie. what's starting them?

> root     34527  1.7  0.1  14096  1596 ?        Ss   09:01   0:00 /bin/bash 
> /usr/bin/check_mk_agent

Can you show a zoomed image of the memory graph prior to a problem?  And
a load graph of the same duration?

I had some webservers which were also prone to death spiraling, the only
real solution was to throw RAM at them until they were able to process
the requests and to optimize the database indices to speed up the time
spent fetching and sorting rows.


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