On Thu, 18 Apr 2019 04:49:56 +1200
Richard Hector <rich...@walnut.gen.nz> wrote:

> On 18/04/19 12:15 AM, Celejar wrote:
> > Currently, my LAN is, which is also the addressing
> > scheme of some of the networks out of my control that I'm setting up a
> > VPN link from. I deliberately used for the VPN to avoid
> > address collisions with these other networks. It did occur to me to
> > consider using a different address space, for the VPN or perhaps for the
> > whole home LAN, but I'd rather not take that step just to solve what
> > seems a relatively simple problem unless absolutely necessary
> I ran into that - needing to VPN between 2 networks which clashed, and
> neither of which I could renumber. In the end I gave up on IPv4, and all
> my VPNs are now IPv6-only. It took some learning, but that was really an
> added advantage.

I've been toying with this, since IPv6 is probably worth moving to
anyway, but for the current problem, it still seems like overkill - the
crude solution of just editing /etc/hosts by hand just works ;)


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