On 2019-04-25, morgan <morg.l...@ouvaton.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed Eclipse on my debian stretch but it crashes when launching.
> I attached the logs, I don't understand if I could do anything, nor in
> which package(s) are the issues. Sorry for not using reportbug for this
> report.
> Feel free to contact me for more informations, I'll make my best to help
> you.

You appear to be using Java 11. Try running Eclipse with Java 8 (Debian
package openjdk-8-jdk) instead.

> Thanks for your awesome good job on debian, I use it since 4 years and
> recommand it aound me.

This is a mailing list for users of Debian. Few of us actually work on it.

> --
> Morgan.

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