On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 07:35 Dan Ritter <d...@randomstring.org> wrote:

> Tom Browder wrote:
> > My remote server hosted with Dedispec has serious problems and they have
> > offered me access via KVM.
> >
> > What do I need on my end to use that access to fix my remote host from my
> > home network?
> >
> > All the references I see are access to VMs running on a local network.


> Dedispec will tell you what access methods are available --
> commonly, a Java program, or a web service, or VNC.
> Their website says "temporary kvm over IP", which suggests that
> they will come and plug in a networked device that will talk to
> your server's VGA, USB and PS/2 ports. The client end of that
> could be any of the above methods -- ask them.

Thank you. I'm aware of KVM devices, but wasn't sure about my end of the
connection, so your explanation helps a lot.

But they are very cryptic in their typical responses and it is a slooow
communication process leaving a lot to guess work. Hopefully all will end


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