On Mon, 2019-05-06 at 13:13 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> Well, I've uprooted pulse and pulled in the rest of alsa. No sound
> before or after a reboot now. But I just ran alsamixergui, and found
> the front speakers tunred off.  So I have audio again, about 4x
> louder than before. So take that Leonart P.  Now get lost, go code
> for a winderz startup.  And a big thank you to all the alsa
> developers.

This was your system having a bad ALSA setting, so most likely you
could have solved it without touching PulseAudio at all (let alone
blame it on someone who hasn't been involved with the PulseAudio
project for almost 10 years).

Jan Claeys

(please don't CC me when replying to the list)

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