On 2019-05-11 14:51, Stephen P. Molnar wrote:
Perhaps this is not the appropriate forum for this problem but the
Debian List has been an invaluable resource over the years. I happen
to be a Chemist and although I've been using computers in my work
since the 1960's, I am not a computer person, only a user.

I am running Debian Stretch on my main computer.  I have an AMDFX-8320
Eight-Core Processor on a ASUS MSAR2.0 Moptherboard and 8GB of running
XFCE4.  I an encountering a rather odd problem for which I have no

If I have more that three or four apps open at one time, all of the
non-active windows will pop open at random and predictable times with
the result that no one window will be useable, unless I close every
app that's open.

This performance is rather annoying and rather disruptive.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
as a wild shot in the dark I would try with another mouse to rule that out.
Key ID    4BFEBB31

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