
On Wed, 15 May 2019 16:27:24 -0400
Greg Wooledge <wool...@eeg.ccf.org> wrote:

> On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 10:23:25PM +0200, Michael Lange wrote:
> > #############################################
> > frame .f -bg yellow -width 400 -height 300
> > pack .f -fill both -expand 1
> > 
> > bind .f <Button-1> {puts "Button-1 event"}
> > bind .f <Enter> {puts "Enter event"}
> > bind .f <Leave> {puts "Leave event"}
> > #############################################
> > 
> > As expected, it's the same as with Tkinter, when the mouse button is
> > pressed, Enter and Leave events are triggered [...]
> I ran this in straight Tcl/Tk on buster under fvwm and pressing the
> mouse button inside the yellow window only generates "Button-1 event",
> not the other two.

ok, so now I'm at it I installed a few truckloads of KDE, Gnome and mate
packages and with these three the script works as expected, too.
>From the lean and classic department I tried WindowMaker, and again
everything's fine.
>From the lean and not so classic ones I tried awesome, and with this it
is worse: each ButtonPress triggers *two* Enter and Leave events :-)

I don't really know what to make of all this. A feeling in my guts
claims that cannot be Tk's fault, but who knows? I think for now I'll
call it a day and think about a bug report tomorrow.

Thanks again for the feedback, and best regards


.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

Those who hate and fight must stop themselves -- otherwise it is not
                -- Spock, "Day of the Dove", stardate unknown

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