Great!  Sounds wonderful.

If I want to set up a VirtualBox VM to run this, what packages/tasks do I want 
to install other than bare-bones Debian?  Then what do I do, once I have Debian 
plus packages installed?  I’ve never used Docker before, so please assume I’m a 
complete newbie at that part of it,,,


> On May 15, 2019, at 1:37 AM, André Rodier <> wrote:
> Hello Debian users,
> For those who are interested in fully automatic installation of Debian,
> I have published something that you'll find useful.
> It allows you to create a fully automatic Debian installation disk very
> easily, using a simple YAML file to describe the system and docker to
> build the ISO image.
> For now, there are three flavours you can use:
> - lvm: Simple logical volume on one disk, no encryption.
> - raid: Create an ISO image with software RAID and LVM (RAID1, two
> disks).
> - luks: Create and ISO image with fully encrypted disk (one disk only).
> It has been tested on Debian Stretch only for now.
> Also:
> - AppArmor activated on boot.
> - Root password set.
> - Your SSH public key is installed for root.
> A big thanks to simple-cdd and reprepro, this could not have been
> possible without these tools.
> Enjoy!
> -- 
> André Rodier

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