thanks for your fast reply!!!!

On 5/23/19 12:11 PM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Hi Georges,
> Quoting Georgios (2019-05-23 10:44:14)
>> I'm thinking installing debian on a new laptop. The problem is that the
>> current version is stretch that comes with an old kernel that doesn't
>> support my wifi card.
>> I was thinking about using backports to install the latest kernel.
>> I have the following questions.
>> When I install stable and use a kernel from backport when you install it
>> you upgrade a couple of packages like libglib, firmware-linux-free etc
>> When the buster is released what happens when i try to upgrade the
>> system from stretch to buster?
>> Do I have to remove backports from sources.list?
>> What happens to the packages that were upgraded from backports? Are they
>> replaced by the new stable packages?
> Yes, the packages are simply replaced: Packages in 
> are versioned "just below" their non-backported counterparts to migrate 
> seamlessly.
> And yes, remove the obsolete beckports from sources.list when bumping to 
> buster.
>  - Jonas

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