On 5/23/19, Joe <j...@jretrading.com> wrote:
> Always difficult to advise, so many computers, so few recent ones
> listed as Linux-compatible.

All Developers can do is wait for Users to write in with thumbs up or
down after purchasing new hardware. Otherwise, it's not many folks who
can venture into all that exists to have it available for testing at
one or two locations. :)

> All I can offer is that I've never had
> problems with HP business desktops, or Acer portables. But then, I
> don't play games (beyond solitaire) so I'm not looking for blazing fast
> graphics.

MUCH older HP laptop here. Looks like HP Pavilion ze5300. It's the one
running Puppy Linux as the hsfmodem dialup modem mothership. And that
would be HP's VERY OLD internal modem that is STILL operating FINE, by
the way.

> Other people swear by Dell, but I've never used one and I've
> heard a few stories about them.

Mine's handsome. Dell XPS 420. Runs NICE on Debian... when it's
running. It's still in need of a new power supply. Intentions are to
attempt to find one again tonight.

I can't swear 100%, but I THINK it did NOT do Nvidia issues. I
remember lsmod'ing while following along with a Debian-User thread one

Well, I didn't have to fight anything, anyway, if it does do Nvidia.
That might be k/t its attached monitor, too, somehow. It came with a
stock graphics card (whatever that was that has its own fan) and is
attached to something resembling a "Dell 1908FPT" monitor.

It's secondhand. Large but not much room left inside for expansion.
Basically two hard drives unless you push your luck turning them
around sideways or something where they don't belong. Safe (hardware
protecting) expansion has to happen outside the box.

Everything worked out of the box with a personalized debootstrapped
copy of Debian Stretch. That was a copy that was possibly pulled
together on this little ASUS 1015px'y netbook.. 'y... then rsync'ed
over now that I think on it.

No WIFI on the Dell I bought. Watch what you're buying there if you go
that route. I can't remember the tech specs of the setback for this
laptop, but it's basically a no-go show-stopper these days.

Didn't have any luck with the HP's WIFI, either. Most likely would
turn out to be for reasons resembling the ASUS if I stubbornly pursued
forcing the issue. Ethernet cable to the rescue there..

For wifi, you want what can handle the highest security/encryption,
however you go there. Those external USB "dongles" do come fairly
cheap if everything else about a computer purchase fits except that...
minor little detail that's a pretty hardcore, near almost absolute
necessity these days.

Dell Inspiron laptop/tablet duo appears to work fine with a Linux
operating system (that came along with). Just haven't taken time yet
to install Debian, but I anticipate no problems when that day finally

One last afterthought.. Toshiba Satellite P25, also OLDER, worked very
nicely with Debian. It's a LARGE, HEAVY, SOLID clunker. Purely based
on that experience, I've come really close to purchasing newer
versions of those a few times.

One problem with buying any, either new or old, is to make sure it has
ALL the types of AND the quantity of [ports] you think you'll be
using. The relatively new Dell "transformer" lacks "basic" ethernet.
That's why I'm sitting on pins and needles waiting for those CHEAP
wifi dongles to arrive... any second.

The alternative is to question: Can you buy adapters that will step up
to the plate, instead? For the laptop/tablet combo model, you CAN buy
a CHEAP ethernet to USB adapter...... or go wifi... or... ?? :)

PS The whole needing USB wifi for some things to work is a
shudder-worthy moment that echoes having to do the exact same thing to
get dialup access. Wifi's nowhere near as expensive for something that
should actually work**, thank goodness!

Cindy :)

** Hardware versus software based internal design as a product's
working core, yada-yada...
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with birdseed *

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