On 2019-05-29 11:18, deloptes wrote:
mick crane wrote:

Thing is you don't know what windows is going to do next.
Was an update a few days ago that I assume was why PC just started
crashing ( which hasn't happened for years ) and couldn't decide if it
wanted to boot or not.
Then an hour later there was another update and all started playing
nicely again.

But this has nothing to do with the original question. We even do not know
what linux or debian developers will do next ;-)

The point is that OP should know that ntfs-3g works well under linux. I
guess there should be additional thought which user does the writes, but it
does not change the fact that it works fine.


You understand I just make the point.
In the past it was considered dangerous to write to NTFS
That seems to work now but you don't know what might change
If this open-ssh implementation is on windows then it is part of their thing so should be likely to not wreck anything.


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