On 31/05/2019 15:46, senthil kosapeta wrote:
Dear Debians,

I have purchased Lenovo laptop around 6 months back. (Lenovo ideapad)
I had installed ubuntu earlier and Wifi used to work fine.
Somehow it got crashed a month back.

I have decided to switch over to debian 9.9 and installed it.
Internet via Ethernet port is working. But wifi is not working and not
showing available wireless networks.
I searched/googled certain topic related to Debian wifi and tried
installing firmware-atheros earlier.
It did not work. When i tried restart, shutdown is stuck.
If i force shutdown and restart, It will be stuck again.
When i tried to do recover mode, msg displays that
"ath10k_pci ** failed recieve control reponse completion, polling ...."

Please let me know how to proceed.


Hi, can you check for firmware loading information in your logs ?

"grep firmware /var/log/messages" or "journalctl -b" and look for info related to the wifi chip.

Given the "shutdown stuck" issue I would try disabling interrupts and see if it solves the problem, "modinfo" says ath10k_pci accepts three irq options:

"parm:           irq_mode:0: auto, 1: legacy, 2: msi"

Maybe try "legacy" mode first, that may be what Ubuntu is doing as a default. You will need elevated privileges to run the next commands ("sudo command" or "su -" and then type commands).

First two commands unload the driver module:

modprobe -r ath10k_pci
modprobe -r ath10k_core

Then reload it with proper option:

modprobe -v ath10k_core
modprobe -v ath10k_pci irq_mode=1

If it solves the problem you can make the change permanent.

Hope it helps.

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