I faced this problem many times, on booting/start or shutting down/stopping
different services (iptables, NFS, ...).

[    **] A start job is running for Packet F…ramework (4d 30min 32s / no

I have some unbootable systems (like you see above) and some that hangs on
shutting-down while waiting for stop job (requiring a hard reset)

>From my point of view, despite being an issue on the related service not
properly starting/stopping in timely fashion, is systemd responsability to
either timeout and abort and continue the system boot process to be able to
troubleshoot the service. But all the stuff I find on research (forums,
google, ...) are specific problems/solutions for specific services.

While systemd is waiting, I have no SSH or even console access (well, only
to see the above message), so I cannot do anything even interactively. Note
that some of the systems like Pi don't have a normal BIOS/Bootloader, so
passing boot arguments in commandline is not always practical or even

As per the man page systemd-system.conf (5), the default is 90s, but as you
can see on above line it says 'no limit'. Without looking for a flame-war,
I don't remember this happened with old-init, when if a service failed it
simply failed that unique service.

Any ideas?

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